Public Transit & Shared Mobility: Central Valley Region
Fresno COG FTA Section 5310 Elderly and Disabled Specialized Transit Program – Fresno Council of Governments
Nonprofits and public agencies.
Transportation services planned, designed, and carried out to meet the special transportation needs of elderly individuals and individuals with disabilities
The most recent application deadline closed in March 2021.
A total of $1.18 million is available in the current funding round, with $1.06 million for traditional capital projects and $118,497 for other capital and operating projects.
To be determined
To be determined
Regional Sustainable Infrastructure Planning Grant Program – Fresno Council of Governments
Fresno Council of Governments (FCOG) member agencies, transit agencies, and Native American tribal governments. Nonprofits and community-based organizations may apply as a partner entity.
Active transportation, shared mobility, transit-oriented development, Safe Routes to Schools, town center, safety (vision zero), climate adaptation, transit station, other similar plans, and studies.
The most recent application cycle closed in August 2019. The next funding round has not yet been announced.
Funding varies each cycle, but the average has been approximately $150,000 per cycle.
2 out of 3 proposals funded (2018/2019).