California Hazard Mitigation Grant Program – California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services
Deadline: February 29, 2024, by 3:00pm ET.
Emergency management agency or similar state office, federally recognized Native American tribes, local governments or communities, and nonprofits.
Funding to implement mitigation activities, such as the development of hazard mitigation planning, project scoping activities, advance assistance, and other mitigation projects. In California, natural hazards include wildfire, earthquake, drought, extreme heat, flooding, and other natural hazards as defined in the State Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Currently accepting applications with a deadline of February 29, 2024, by 3:00pm ET.
For this grant cycle, $800 million is available for the Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) grant program and the $1 billion is available to the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) grant program
Small, Medium, and Large
Infill Infrastructure Grant Catalytic Program – California Department of Housing and Community Development
Deadline: December 20, 2023, by 4:00pm PST.
City, county, or public housing authority that has jurisdiction over a Catalytic Qualifying Infill Areas (CQIA). A metropolitan planning organization may participate as a co-applicant.
Eligible costs include, but are not limited to, the creation, development, or rehabilitation of Parks or Open Space; water, sewer or other utility service improvements (including internet and electric vehicle infrastructure); streets; roads; Transit Station Structured Parking; transit linkages or facilities; facilities that support pedestrian or bicycle transit; traffic mitigation, sidewalk, or streetscape improvements; Factory-Built Housing components; Adaptive Reuse; and site preparation or demolition.
Applications are accepted over the counter through December 20, 2023, no later than 4:00pm PT.
$94 million available in FY 2023-24.
Small Jurisdictions have a Maximum Award Amount of $7.5 million, and a minimum of $1 million.
Small, Medium, and Large
8 out of 9 proposals were awarded in Round 10. Awards will be recommended on a first-come first-served basis until funds exhaust.
Calendar Year 2022 Disaster Water Grants Program in California – US Department of Agriculture
Deadline: Ongoing
- Municipalities, counties, districts, authorities, or other political subdivisions of a state, commonwealth, or territory
- Nonprofit organizations
- Federally recognized Tribes
- Community-based prefabricated home organizations
Develop water infrastructure system capacity and resiliency to reduce or eliminate long-term risks from hazards resulting from (Presidentially declared) disasters during calendar year 2022.
This program is open until funds are exhausted.
$247 million is available. There are no award min/max’s listed.
Small, Medium, and Large
Low to Medium
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, and there is no competitive process.
Clean Water State Revolving Fund – California State Water Resources Control Board
Deadline: Ongoing
Cities, towns, districts, or other public bodies, nonprofits, federally recognized tribes or state tribes (must have jurisdiction over disposal of sewage, industrial wastes, or other waste).
Construction of publicly-owned treatment facilities such as wastewater treatment, local sewers, sewer interceptors, water reclamation and distribution, stormwater treatment, combined sewers, or landfill leachate treatment. Implementation of nonpoint source pollution in agriculture, forestry, urban areas, marinas, hydromodfication, and wetlands.
Applications are accepted on a continuous basis and added quarterly to the Competitive List.
An average of $586 million is available on an annual basis. The program has significant financial assets and is capable of financing projects through grants and loans ranging from less than $1 million to more than $100 million.
Small, Medium, and Large
Medium to High
36 out of 109 proposals funded (2018).
Water and Waste Disposal Loan & Grant Program – U.S. Department of Agriculture
Deadline: Ongoing
Most state and local governmental entities, nonprofits, and federally recognized Native American tribes all in rural areas and towns with populations of 10,000 or less.
Acquisition, construction, or improvement of drinking water sourcing, treatment, storage, and distribution, sewer, solid waste, and storm water collection, transmission, treatment, disposal, and other activities.
Applications are accepted on a continuous basis.
Approximately $33 million in loan funding and $10 million in grant funding was available to California applicants in 2019. Award amounts are determined on tier eligibility based on the median household income of the area to be served.
Small to Medium
Medium to High
Although competitive information is unavailable for this program, the majority of projects that fulfill program requirements receive funding.
Water Recycling Funding Program Construction Funding – State Water Resources Control Board
Deadline: Ongoing
Local public agencies, nonprofits, public utilities, federally recognized and California State Native American tribes, and mutual water companies.
Construction cost of recycled water treatment, storage, pump stations, and distribution pipeline systems with the capacity of a project used within 10 years of completion of construction.
Applications are accepted on a continuous basis.
Grant awards cover 35% of eligible costs, up to $20 million per project.
Small, Medium, and Large
36 projects funded (2020).
Water Recycling Funding Program Planning Grant – State Water Resources Control Board
Deadline: Ongoing
Local public agencies.
Planning studies to determine the feasibility of using recycled water to offset the use of fresh/potable water from state and/or local supplies.
Applications are accepted on a continuous basis.
Grant awards cover 50% of eligible costs, up to $75,000 per project.